Reminder - Structuring of the following concepts:
The innovative design, The regulated design: Reminder
The C–K theory
The innovative design workshop - Description of the Process, sharing of concrete cases
The notion of field of innovation (Constitution of sub-groups)
1 - Stages of implementation and possible uses of the workshop
The uses of C-K in business: uses and challenges.
Define and name a field of innovation.
The basics:
The Projecteur C0 concept
The dominating design
C-K operators
Organize the workshop, choose the experts, the themes.
Rules of formalism and reading of a C-K tree structure
Techniques and Practices for C-K Design Reasoning
The animation of the workshop: the rhythm, the roles, the cognitive and emotional aspects
Knowledge bases K (Knowledge)
Integration of K bases, Animation techniques
Organization of the K database, performance criteria
Concepts (C)
Formulation of a concept
Organization of the C tree
Performance and Evaluation Criteria for a C-K Innovative Shaft Design
CK formalization and possible applications
Structuring and representation of a C-K tree
The positioning of ecosystems (competitors, patent, time, cost, financing, etc.)
R&D roadmaps
Universes of knowledge to explore
Explore and formalize concepts as a team. Prototype a concept using a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshop
Work on the business model of a concept with the "Business model Canvas"
Formalize a convincing "pitch" to sell an innovative concept internally or externally