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Producer, Innovative Media Content Designer, Business Design Consultant

cinematographic production
Innovative design
Skills management
Innovative business model
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
My professional career has been shaped by various experiences in international trade, audiovisual and innovation. I began my career exploring African territories, notably Chad and Ivory Coast, as well as the air, logistics and commercial sectors within the Air France Group.

In 2003, I launched my first audiovisual work, Reality Mag, well before the rise of YouTube. This disruptive production marked urban culture and transformed the standards of production and distribution of audiovisual content of the time. Its impact was such that it received a gold DVD certification, testifying to its significant influence in the audiovisual landscape.

My interest in entrepreneurship led me to introduce Tilos software to France, a linear planning tool adopted by companies such as SNCF, Bouygues, Vinci, Alstom, Razel, Colas, Cofiroute, and others. This success has been recognized by recommendations in calls for tenders for major civil engineering projects. I was a laureate of the Entreprendre and France Initiative networks, and named Hope of the Seine-Saint-Denis economy in 2009. I also chaired the La Nouvelle PME association, supporting numerous entrepreneurs from the political districts of the city.

As representative in France of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture, Mines and Crafts of Chad, I facilitated commercial intermediation activities for Franco Chad, establishing fruitful links between French companies and Chad.

As the founder of the Franco-Chadian association Chibina, I invested in the promotion of spirulina, a resource for which Chad is a reference country, thus contributing to sustainable development.

In the cultural and creative industries, notably audiovisual and cinema, I have designed, produced and managed innovative projects. As an associate of the company De l'Autre Côté du Périph', which produced the film "L'Ascension" with Ahmed Sylla, I led projects such as "Dans Mon Hall", an education program à l'image supported by the CSF, the Abbé Pierre Foundation, the Fondation de France and the CGET, leading to the first edition of the Dans Mon Hall festival at Paris Town Hall.

Cinema and transmedia productions represent for me a field where I can express my skills and my passion for creation. My professional practices integrate multiple intelligences, STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), blue ocean strategy and lean startup.

As a producer, production director and general manager, I have worked on numerous audiovisual and cinematographic projects. I have also been a technical service provider for several films and productions, providing suitable and relevant solutions which have earned me the nickname "Swiss army knife of production logistics". I provide this skill within educational institutions, thus allowing it to be passed on to the next generations of professionals.

My expertise in digital transformation and artificial intelligence has allowed me to introduce digital solutions to optimize production processes and improve the user experience in the audiovisual and cinematographic industry. This expertise was shared during my masterclass at the Africa Pavilion at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. Entitled "Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence in the Film Industry", this session offered an in-depth exploration of digital transformation and artificial intelligence in the film industry. It revealed the behind-the-scenes of film creation in the digital age and highlighted the extraordinary potential for Africa in this changing landscape. Attendees were able to delve into emerging trends, disruptive technologies and the unique opportunities offered by this exciting development.

In 2023, I obtained a certificate of specialization in Introduction to research in human and social sciences from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). This training allowed me to acquire the essential skills for building scientific knowledge, designing research projects and scientific monitoring, while preparing me for possible integration into the research environment.

Since my appointment to the Higher Technical Commission for Image and Sound, I have assumed the responsibility of Project Manager in Educational Innovation and Technical Practices. My mission consists of studying and improving the professional practices of technicians, as well as evaluating initial and continuing training content.

My academic training includes a Master in Innovation Management and Innovative Design, strengthening my understanding of processes

The certificate of specialization in cultural and creative engineering

CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)

The main academic objectives of the Certificate of Specialization in Cultural and Creative Engineering are as follows:

Deepen knowledge in the fields of culture, artistic creation and cultural project management.

Development of essential skills in cultural engineering, artistic project planning and cultural resource management.

Preparation for leadership roles in the cultural sector by equipping learners with the skills to design, manage and promote innovative cultural projects.

Encouraging creativity and innovation in cultural management, enabling learners to make a significant contribution to cultural development.

The cultural sector is undergoing a series of major changes: ecological, digital, economic, institutional, societal and social. The certificate is validated after completion of these 5 UE:

--> Building an artistic project, working with artists. (CCE112)

--> Culture and public space, new cultural venues. (CCE114)

--> Digital mutations and innovation in the fields of culture and creation.

--> Ecological and societal transitions in the cultural sector. (CCE115)

--> Research practices in design, art and creation. (DSN201)

In short, this certificate trains cultural and creative professionals by providing the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in cultural engineering, both academically and professionally.


Specialization Certificate in Introduction to Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences

CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)

Since 2022
--> Initiation to research for a doctorate
--> Learn the main rules of scientific knowledge construction
--> Learn how to design a research project
--> Acquire basic skills in monitoring and rules of scientific and technical information
--> To know the field of production and circulation of scientific knowledge and research
--> If necessary, to facilitate the integration of the future researcher in the public or private research environment
--> To acquire the epistemological and methodological bases of research
To make known the main theoretical currents in the fields concerned
--> To acquire the keys to understanding the research environment, the main places and institutions of production and use of scientific knowledge (public research, research in companies and communities, etc.)
--> Learn how to develop a research project (definition of stages, models and forms, tools)
Innovation, Creativity and art. 4th edition : IL BELLO : The Beauty of innovation and entrepreneuship (steampreneur) In Pisa, Italy. This course has been authorized by Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and part of the European project ArtIST.

ArtIST (Art, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Science) is an ERASMUS + project that aims to design and implement innovative Master's level modules integrating the Arts in innovation, entrepreneurship and science education. ArtIST is led by seven higher education institutions and industrial partners from Austria (Warp Innovation), Finland (Lappeenranta University of Technology), France (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), Hungary, Italy (Sant'Anna - Scuola Superiore di Pisa), Lithuania (Kaunas University of Technology), Hungary (University of Miskolc) and the Netherlands (Fontys University of Applied Sciences).
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Classes on creative process, art and technology, entrepreneuship and innovation management, STEAM approach
  • Workshops on storytelling, photography, public speaking, thinking styles, social media, yoga and mindfulness
  • Ideation and pitching, companies and cultural visits.
The Master 2 MICI trains in the management of innovation and innovative design those who are in charge of projects innovative. The training is based on the experiences and work the most recent to train in the design of innovative identities
objects of tomorrow (products, services, organizations, models business, etc.) according to a double dimension:
• reasoning and methods of design and creativity;
• modes of organization and collaboration.

Master 2 - Management of Innovation and Innovative Design prepares students to grasp :

Artificial intelligence, 3D printing, new mobilities, new business models, collaborative platforms, ecosystems but also lowtech, frugal innovation, responsible innovation, design thinking, collaborative innovation....
Innovation is a serious matter but it is plural and its management can be complex.

The MICI Master's program offers you the opportunity to understand the processes of innovation management, to learn how to deploy them and, above all, to manage the uncertain processes of innovative design by mobilizing the C-K theory.
Unique in its kind in continuing education, the MICI Master's degree is intended for all innovation players, in the private and public sectors, present or future: R&D managers, innovation project managers or those in charge of designing innovative offers, lab or community leaders, designers, entrepreneurs, etc.
The MICI Master's degree provides concrete answers through theoretical frameworks, operational tools, and a recognized teaching team, with a rich pedagogy: courses with various modalities that allow you to combine your professional life and the pursuit of a training program (evening classes, online, hybrid training), but also workshops, visits, and seminars with numerous external speakers and a unique historical depth thanks to the Musée des Arts et Métiers.
ArtIST (Art, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Science) is an ERASMUS+ project which aims to design and implement innovative modules at Masters level integrating the Arts in innovation education, entrepreneurship and science. ArtIST is led by seven higher education institutions and industry partners from Austria (Warp Innovation), Finland (Lappeenranta University of Technology), France (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts), Hungary, Italy (Sant 'Anna - St. Anne's Higher School of Pisa), Lithuania (Kaunas University of Technology), Hungary (University of Miskolc) and the Netherlands (Fontys University of Applied Sciences).

Innovation Management Certificate


  1. Definition and challenges or the figure of innovation in management
  2. A case of an innovative company: The case study or growth through repeated innovation
  3. Innovative design management
  4. Management of the regulated design
  5. Organization of innovation
  6. Value and Innovation
  7. Closing

Certification Coaching and collaborative dynamics of innovation teams


Introduction - Structuring of the following notions:
  • Coaching, basic notions related to management
  • Definition and identity of a team, an organization
  • Performance of a team in an environment of innovation, uncertainty

The manager-coach :
  • Issue of posture: from manager to leader
  • Leadership, definition and functions of leadership
  • Active listening
  • the confrontation
  • Life positions
Team dynamics :
  • The ICO model
  • 3 stages of team development
  • Karpman's dramatic triangle
  • ProcessCom personality profiles applied to teams
Organizations :
  • introduction to Berne's organization theory
  • Diagnose needs and adjust posture to promote innovation
Innovation communities :

Certification Animation of an innovative design workshop


Reminder - Structuring of the following concepts:
The innovative design, The regulated design: Reminder
The C–K theory
The innovative design workshop - Description of the Process, sharing of concrete cases
The notion of field of innovation (Constitution of sub-groups)
1 - Stages of implementation and possible uses of the workshop
The uses of C-K in business: uses and challenges.
Define and name a field of innovation.
The basics:
The Projecteur C0 concept
The dominating design
C-K operators
Organize the workshop, choose the experts, the themes.
Rules of formalism and reading of a C-K tree structure
Techniques and Practices for C-K Design Reasoning
The animation of the workshop: the rhythm, the roles, the cognitive and emotional aspects
Knowledge bases K (Knowledge)
Integration of K bases, Animation techniques
Organization of the K database, performance criteria
Concepts (C)
Formulation of a concept
Organization of the C tree
Performance and Evaluation Criteria for a C-K Innovative Shaft Design
CK formalization and possible applications
Structuring and representation of a C-K tree
The positioning of ecosystems (competitors, patent, time, cost, financing, etc.)
R&D roadmaps
Universes of knowledge to explore
Explore and formalize concepts as a team. Prototype a concept using a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshop
Work on the business model of a concept with the "Business model Canvas"
Formalize a convincing "pitch" to sell an innovative concept internally or externally

Collaborative Innovation Best Practices Certification


The practices of collaborative innovation have developed considerably over the last decades, under the triple necessity: to innovate radically, quickly, by sharing costs and risks. At the same time, information technologies, in particular Web 2.0 (or even 3.0) approaches, make new modes of collaboration possible. This course aims to present these approaches to collaborative innovation very concretely through examples, good managerial practices but also by meeting the actors of collaborative innovation ecosystems.
This teaching is based on an alternation of conceptual teachings, practical cases, scenarios, presentations of professionals and exchanges-visits of ecosystems and third places dedicated to collaborative innovation.

The foundations and virtues of collaborative innovation practices
  • The great periods of innovation are characterized by collaborative innovation practices that are particularly instructive and partially transposable to the context of current practices
  • Why collaborate? The creative lever of the complementarity of skills.
  • Overview of current practices: partnerships, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, innovation platforms, communities, networks, etc....

Concrete practices and places of collaborative innovation:

Certification Management of innovation projects by challenges


Reminder - Structuring of the following concepts:
  • The Project, definition and basic notions related to project management
  • Characteristics of an innovation project.
  • Performance of a project in an environment of innovation, uncertainty
    Project and complexity
  • History of project management
  • Types of innovation projects
  • Stages of team development
  • The project manager, role and posture. His relationship to the organization and his team.
  • Generic description of project management by issues
    Co construction of a project by stakes
  • The notion of stakes
  • The 4 types of issues and the management of limits in a project
  • The relationship to time and action
  • The conditions of cooperation in a project team (Schutz model)
  • The framing of the leading issues, the ambition of the project.
    The stages of implementation of project management by issue
  • The meaning triptych - Process - Content
  • The notion of "integrated risk" in an innovation project
  • How to promote exploration within the project team.
  • Types of consensus in a project team
  • Mapping of upstream issues, milestones and stakeholders.
    Project management, reporting, end of project.
  • The posture of the Project Manager - the cursor - Mac Gregor's X/Y theory
  • The organization of a project reporting meeting
  • The case of multi-partner collaborative projects
  • How to prepare your teams for the following project:
    The end-of-project bereavement curve
    signs of recognition

Master Class 2021 - In times of crisis Foresight, Innovation & Transformation

CNAM (Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers)

March 2021
As part of the 2021 Master Class of the Cnam IES Master and its two courses: Prospective, innovation, transformation. Viewpoints from private and public organizations.
Central Test provides companies and HR with the best assessment tools to help them reveal and fully develop potential. Training in psychometric tests Pro 2 profiles and orientation test provides advantages for professional development consultants.
Profil Pro 2 is a personality questionnaire that allows you to analyze with scientific rigor 28 facets of personality and motivations that influence the behavior of an individual in their professional development.
MOTIVATION is a tool designed to assess an individual's sources of professional motivation. He then measures his level of motivation on 15 aspects related to the professional context, as well as his satisfaction on each of them.
This training is built on the synthesis of 15 years of experience as an authorized and certified Skills Assessment Center.

This training has become Professional Certification (CP FFP) by obtaining by APC a quality certification training trades (ISQ OPQF)

This training delivered by two practitioners, including an occupational psychologist, allows beneficiaries to approach the activity of the skills assessment from an operational point of view.

  • Acquire the fundamentals of the implementation of the skills assessment
  • Experimenting with situation scenarios the posture of the skills assessment advisor
  • Appropriate tools that can be used during the different phases of the skills assessment
  • Obtain the Central Test authorizations to be able to use psychometric tests for the evaluation of personality and professional profile

Management of a travel operator

TravelPro Formations

September 2019
Management of a travel agency. Understand the economic mechanisms at work in the travel agent business. Familiarize yourself with the accounting presentation of these mechanisms.

VAT for travel operators

TravelPro Formations

September 2019
Taxation of a travel agency. Precisely state the tax rule (known as “VAT on the margin”).
Apply this rule in the various operations carried out in your agency.
Understand the impact of VAT on the management of the agency.
Set up internal accounting procedures to easily calculate the VAT to be disbursed.

Cinema Production - Audiovisual Training

Centre Européen de Formation à la Production de Films - CEFPF

September 2014 to June 2015
Assist in the production of cinema, audiovisual programs or advertising films.
Reading and analysis of a script
Location scouting of filming locations (natural sets, interiors, or studios)
Establish funding aid application files (CNC, regions, etc.).
Realize the CNC estimate (budget of a film)
Alternate theoretical approach and practical case study (budget, organization).
Organizing a shoot
Definition of a production strategy
Organization of the promotion of a film (preview, press release, press conferences, etc.)
4 months of face-to-face + 2 months of filming internship

910 hours / 130 days / 26 weeks (including 280 hours / 40 days in companies)
Training registered with the RNCP (title recognized by the State at level II).

Higher Diploma in Management - DSG (ECCIP BA course)

Advancia (Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie de Paris)

December 2005 to December 2006
Advancia (which became Novancia Business School in 2011 then ESCP Business School in 2019), school of entrepreneurship of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Diploma obtained as part of the Bachelor in Management and Entrepreneurship (ECCIP BA course). Winner of the Advancia business incubator (Class of 2006).

Professional Certificate in Management

Advancia (Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie de Paris)

2004 to 2005
Advancia (which became Novancia Business School in 2011 then ESCP Business School in 2019), school of entrepreneurship of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Certificate obtained as part of the Bachelor in Management and Entrepreneurship (ECCIP BA program).

BTS Commerce International


1995 to 1997